Saturday, October 22, 2016


SummaryChange Management - ITIL
Change management

A  change is an activity that is
Approved by the management
Implemented with a minimized risk to existing IT infrastructure
Results in a new status of one or more configuration item
Provide  increased value to business from the use of  new or enhanced IT systems.
Steps in Change Management
Request (a change request is created) -> Approval is obtained for implementation -> Implementation (Changed is implemented and validation and testing done) -> Post implementation review -> Closure (of ticket post confirmation)

Steps involved in change management:-

Types Of Changes:

Standard Changes :-
This are preapproved changes which have standard set of procedure with lower business impact or no business impact it can be implemented by service provider with client approver

Normal Change:-
This changes can be implemented they don’t have predefined steps impact may vary from low to high it may or may not require approval from the  client based on the client service provider environment
Emergency Changes:-
Are similar to normal changes but are implemented in scenario of business emergency
Associated with high priority incident
Verbal approval is sufficient to execute the change

Roles & Responsibilities

Tuesday, January 26, 2016




An incident is an event which not part of regular operation and which causes or may cause interruption or reduction in the quality of IT services


Problem is the root cause of one or more incidents and often identified as a result of one or more similar repetitive incidents every incident is associated with problem

Known error

A KEDB is a database of all such known errors, recorded as they are and when they happened – and they’re maintained over time.


Buisness Justification:- 

If we maintain KEDB for the services we are giving to our customer it help us to resolve the issue at the earliest and will help in customer satisfaction and retaining current business and getting new opportunities  

KEDB Features

A KEDB record will have details of the incident, when the outage happened and what was done to resolve it. However, for a speedy resolution, the KEDB must be powerful enough to retrieve relevant records using filters and search keywords. Without a KEDB in place, service management organizations tend to reinvent the wheel time and again, rather than working toward building a mature organization that allocates its funds toward improving services.

Work around and Permanent solution

KEDB contains the incidents which are not having permanent solutions once we find permanent solution than the problem resolution should not stay in KEDB. Known error records with an implemented permanent solution must not be a part of the KEDB in principle.

NOTE its created by Problem management and used by incident management

Reference Video for further details: