Saturday, October 22, 2016


SummaryChange Management - ITIL
Change management

A  change is an activity that is
Approved by the management
Implemented with a minimized risk to existing IT infrastructure
Results in a new status of one or more configuration item
Provide  increased value to business from the use of  new or enhanced IT systems.
Steps in Change Management
Request (a change request is created) -> Approval is obtained for implementation -> Implementation (Changed is implemented and validation and testing done) -> Post implementation review -> Closure (of ticket post confirmation)

Steps involved in change management:-

Types Of Changes:

Standard Changes :-
This are preapproved changes which have standard set of procedure with lower business impact or no business impact it can be implemented by service provider with client approver

Normal Change:-
This changes can be implemented they don’t have predefined steps impact may vary from low to high it may or may not require approval from the  client based on the client service provider environment
Emergency Changes:-
Are similar to normal changes but are implemented in scenario of business emergency
Associated with high priority incident
Verbal approval is sufficient to execute the change

Roles & Responsibilities

Tuesday, January 26, 2016




An incident is an event which not part of regular operation and which causes or may cause interruption or reduction in the quality of IT services


Problem is the root cause of one or more incidents and often identified as a result of one or more similar repetitive incidents every incident is associated with problem

Known error

A KEDB is a database of all such known errors, recorded as they are and when they happened – and they’re maintained over time.


Buisness Justification:- 

If we maintain KEDB for the services we are giving to our customer it help us to resolve the issue at the earliest and will help in customer satisfaction and retaining current business and getting new opportunities  

KEDB Features

A KEDB record will have details of the incident, when the outage happened and what was done to resolve it. However, for a speedy resolution, the KEDB must be powerful enough to retrieve relevant records using filters and search keywords. Without a KEDB in place, service management organizations tend to reinvent the wheel time and again, rather than working toward building a mature organization that allocates its funds toward improving services.

Work around and Permanent solution

KEDB contains the incidents which are not having permanent solutions once we find permanent solution than the problem resolution should not stay in KEDB. Known error records with an implemented permanent solution must not be a part of the KEDB in principle.

NOTE its created by Problem management and used by incident management

Reference Video for further details:

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Release and Deployment Process

Release and Deployment process is way by which the newly developed feature/services are pushed into production.

Its a combination of process/tools which makes sure tested/working changes only goes to production/live environment in a controlled/phased manner.

So its should be done by appropriate co-ordination between the Devlopment/Operation team a proper handover should happen to production support team from the development team. Release and deployment process is a way in which smooth transition happens between development production team.

Goal Purpose/Objective of release management

The goal of build/deployment Management is to build,test and deliver the new or changed services successfully to the production within given timescale and without disturbing the business operations.

Purpose of release and Deployment Management:

The purpose is to consistent and validated release packages are deployed on production environment with agreed policy and with the consent of business users and stakeholders and it takes place under full and effective control.
any business changes / training and skill transfers must be managed within the release timescale given and should be aligned with the release timetable.

Scope of release and deployment Management:

The scope of Release and Deployment Management includes the processes, systems and functions required to package, build, test and deploy a release into production in accordance with the Service Design Package (SDP). This includes handover to the Service Operation lifecycle stage. Effective Release and Deployment Management adds value by ensuring that customers and users can use the new or changed service in a way that supports the business and by delivering change faster and at optimum cost and minimal risk. Well-planned and well-implemented release and deployment can make a significant difference to an organization’s service costs by minimizing troubleshooting and rework.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


summaryChange Management – ITIL
Change management

A change is an activity that is
• Approved by the management
• Implemented with a minimized risk to existing IT infrastructure
• Results in a new status of one or more configuration item
• Provide increased value to business from the use of new or enhanced IT systems.
Steps in Change Management
Request (a change request is created) -> Approval is obtained for implementation -> Implementation (Changed is implemented and validation and testing done) -> Post implementation review -> Closure (of ticket post confirmation)
Steps involved in change management:-
Types Of Changes:
Standard Changes :-
This are preapproved changes which have standard set of procedure with lower business impact or no business impact it can be implemented by service provider with client approver
Normal Change:-
This changes can be implemented they don’t have predefined steps impact may vary from low to high it may or may not require approval from the client based on the client service provider environment
Emergency Changes:-
Are similar to normal changes but are implemented in scenario of business emergency
Roles & Responsibilities



Promblem Management:

Problem Management is process/tools which are responsible for management of all infrastructure related problem in an organization. The process involves root cause analysis and problem resolution.
The Problem Management is responsible untill the resolution is not implemented by change management and release management.

Objective of Problem Management:

  • Resolution of problem
  • To stop repeat incidents
  • To minimize the incidents 
Difference between Proactive/Reactive Problem Management:

There are two types of Problem Management reactive and proactive:

In reactive Problem Management the incidents and problems that occurs.

Proactive Problem Management avoid/preventing incident/Problems from happening its generally a outcome of CSI (continual service improvement)

The Problem Management Process flow:

Input to Problem Management: * Incident Management,*Event Management,*Service Desk, Proactive Problem management
Problem Detection  *Service Desk may arrive incident happening due to particular problem, * Proactive Problem management may identify the problem before it occurs.
Problem Categorization It is important to categorize Problems and it is recommended that the same system is used as adopted by the Incident Management process for any particular organization. Correct and meaningful categorization will allow helpful metrics to be produced and enable proactive Problem Management to identify areas to concentrate on.
Problem Prioritization the problem should be prioritizes as per its impact and urgency below are few matrix which can  be used to prioritize the problem

  • Impact of the Problem
  • Urgency of the problem 
  • Who raised it
The problem can be

  • The occurrence of  same incidents many times
  • An incident which impacts many users

Monday, December 29, 2014

Incident Management

An Incident is an event which is not part of standard operation and which which causes or may cause an interruption or reduction of the quality of service.

Purpose and Objective:Incident Management is to restore the normal service operation as soon as possible to minimize the impact on the business operation, at cost effective price.

The impact of Incident is determined by the affect it  has on the business of the organization known as buisness impact.
Impact Measurement:
  • How many user got affected
  • How many and which service is affected
  • What category of buisness users affected (VIP,frontline staff etc.)
of an Incident is the speed with which an incident needs to be resolved and its depends on the impact of the incident if the impact is high it need to be resolved urgently.

  • Hardware: server , Memory board,card failure
  • Software: Application,Finance suite,System failure
A incident with lower impact and average urgency and be resolved with minor effort and will be resolved immediately in most organization.

A incident with high Impact to the business/users will come under Major Incident category for these incidents even timescale of disruption to a even relatively small percentage of users become excessive should always be regarded as major.

Initial Diagnosis 
Done by service desk analyst while the incident reporter (user) is still on phone and try to discover the full symptoms it is at this stage the diagnostic script and the known error database comes handy

Functional Escalation
if the service desk is not able to resolve the incident it should immediately be escalated for further support and further Hierarchical escalations.

Note: The ownership of incident still remains with service desk regardless of whether an incident has been refer so its service desk responsibility of tracking the incident,keeping user informed and ultimately    closing the incident.

KPI for IM
  • Total number of incidents
  • Percentage of Incident handled within the stipulated response time in the SLA
  • Average cost per Incident 
  • Incident processed per service desk
  • Number of incident resolved remotely 
  • Number of incident resolved by service desk with escalation
Incident Manager:
 -- InGeneral Role 
* Ensure Technical team is following incident management process during incident resolution
* Produce management report and KPI reports
* Audit the incident management process
* Scope for resolution
-- Role during Major incident
* All incident first come to IM for assessing the priority of the incident based on the urgency
   and impcat
* Bring all required team under oneIncident bridge call
* Publish senior management and customer real time communication
* Support Problem management team for getting the rootcause but he will not identify
   problem management team will do that

Input for Incident: It can come from user , Management information or Detection systems.

Output of Process: RFC, resolved and closed incidents,management information,communication to the customer.

 Activities of Incident Management Process
  • Detection of incident and recording
  • Classification and initial support
  • investigation and diagnosis
  • resolution and recovery
  • Closure of incident 
  • Incident ownership,monitoring,tracking communication
Misssion Statement:

Restore normal state of IT service operation as quickly as possible to minimize the adverse affect on buissness and users and buisness operations.

Process Goal Achieve the process mission by implementing

  • ITIL aligned policies,process and procedures
  • Incident escalation standards
  • Dedicated Incident Management Pro. Owner
  • Incident classification categories
  • Incident reports
  • Incident communication and education for IT staffs

Incident Management VS Problem Management

Incidents and Service Requests are formally managed through a staged process to conclusion. This process is referred to as the "Incident Management Lifecycle". The objective of the Incident Management Lifecycle is to restore the service as quickly as possible to meet Service Level Agreements. The process is primarily aimed at the user level.

Problem Management deals with resolving the underlying cause of one or more Incidents. The focus of Problem Management is to resolve the root cause of errors and to find permanent solutions. Although every effort will be made to resolve the problem as quickly as possible this process is focused on the resolution of the problem rather than the speed of the resolution. This process deals at the enterprise level.